

—niki kirby / 08.27.21
Take me to the places and the people that know me. Tryin’ to disconnect, thinking maybe you could show me If there’s so many people here, then why I am so lonely? Can I get a connection?
There’s a tv show called The Chosen. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s about the people who walked with Jesus during his ministry on earth. One of my favorite episodes features the story of Jesus giving the brothers, James and John, their nickname “sons of thunder” after they asked him to literally call fire down on a village to destroy it. This was all because the village was rude to Jesus and his followers. This portrayal made me laugh out loud because, of course, that is a bit of a far-fetched overreaction to a simple offense.
But as quick as I am to laugh at something like this, I could certainly fall into the category of “daughter of thunder.” I often joke that I was born with an opinion. God bless my laid-back husband who literally “does not care” what we eat for dinner most nights because there is a 100% chance I do, in fact, have strong feelings about the matter, along with what tv show we watch, what the temperature is set to at night, the daily news, the state of the union, the state of the world, pretty much the state of all the things. Most of the time I maintain social graces and therefore do not spew my opinions for all to hear, but make no mistake, they’re still there under the surface being all opinion-y. My personality type, while entertaining at times, can make for interesting dynamics in my relationships. And while I’m sure my husband, kids, work colleagues, friends, teachers of my children, and anyone I happen to be in regular contact with would most certainly say I am an absolute delight to do life with, the fact remains that human relationships with other humans are just plain hard for me sometimes. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m not the only person who struggles with this. Throw together a fiery temper or different backgrounds or old wounds, pride, stubbornness, lack of sleep the night before, low blood sugar, hormones, etc., and you’ve got yourself the recipe for a bona fide reality show. (And, fun fact, I was at one time in a short-lived MTV reality show in my early 20’s…I told you I have a colorful streak!)
But all kidding aside and diving into the subject of relationships, over the past year and a half I have witnessed something happening with people…and I’m talking pretty much all kinds of people, as there does not really seem to be one group immune to what I’ve witnessed.
People have become dis-connected in every sense of the word.
People are disconnected both literally in the form of physical lockdowns, social distancing, and a new normal of virtual living, as well as through the ideological division and labeling that is commonplace everywhere you look. Even if you happen to be wired more like my peace-loving, laid-back friends, this past 18 months has effectively forced our hands in separation and isolation with the message of “pick a side.” I would go as far as to say we have even been conditioned to view our fellow man as a potential threat. We view people through the lens of: “Will this person infect me with illness?” or “Is this person with me or against me?”  I don’t know a soul on the planet that isn’t sensing this. The social, political, religious (you name it) temperature is volatile and tense. Two conditions that are NOT conducive for relationships to grow and thrive.
Human connection has suffered a damaging blow over the course of the pandemic, and the resulting loneliness, fear, and despair are now rampant.
And that is exactly where the enemy of our souls wants us…Divided. Alone. Scared. Isolated. Dis-connected.
Friends, this is most certainly not the land in which we are supposed to set up our tents, let alone the one where we are to build our houses.
We are made for connection. First and foremost, with our creator, but also with our fellow man.  Early in the Bible, God says of his creation, Adam, “It is not good for man to be alone”. Others have said, “no man is an island”, we’re “better together”, and even, “united we stand; divided we fall." There is clear truth in the statement, “A house divided cannot stand.”
A lack of human connection has been shown to be problematic throughout history. In the past, connection was woven into the very fabric of our lives, and now, it  just seems somehow different, harder, and more confusing to connect. There's  a very specific problem I keep running up against with connection lately. It seems everywhere I turn I keep bumping up against this: How do I connect with those who I do not agree with?
Sounds silly to say out loud because we all want to think we are easy to get along with, but remember, we aren’t talking about connecting with only our laid-back friends that truly don’t mind letting us make all the travel and dinner plans. I’m talking about those of us “sons and daughters of thunder” doing life with other “sons and daughters of thunder”…the fiery ones. The opinionated, passionate ones. The wild ones. How do WE stay true to our convictions and God given passions without calling down fire from heaven on everyone who offends us, even though, sometimes that’s exactly what we would like to do, thank you very much??
Furthermore, how do we look, speak, and act against the evil and injustice all around us without being just more noise in an already very noisy world?
The answer is simple (yet not so simple)…Connection.
To quote a verse in the Bible commonly heard at weddings, “If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth but didn’t love others, I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or clanging cymbal.” Translation: Conviction without connection is nothing more than a clanging cymbal. It’s noise without a melody, internet without a modem. When we seek open doors to encourage converted hearts, connection is the key that opens those doors.
In the words of my mama, “You gotta reach um, to teach um!”
Friends, let me be clear here…WE ARE MADE FOR CONNECTION! There is no scenario where human connection is not part of the solution. In fact, I think connection is the vessel in which love is shared. There is no love without connection and no connection without love. Period.

Full disclosure, right now I am learning how to walk in both conviction and connection. I seem to have an abundance of the former and am a bit lacking in the latter these days. I will be the first to admit, my gait looks more like that of a baby deer than the swift feet of a “hind who walks in high places." I won't lie, this is not an easy thing for me to learn. Not only is it hard to learn, but I really don’t even want to learn it at times. This is not like the pursuit of a fun, new hobby. The radical and defiant pursuit of connection right now almost feels dangerous. It’s vulnerable, it’s uncomfortable, it’s counterintuitive, and counter cultural. It’s all the counters basically. The stakes are high here. But despite the overwhelming reasons not to pursue connection in a disconnected world, there is a call on my life and anyone else who claims Jesus as their teacher and Lord…a call to be a light in a dark world. A call to be different. A call not to hide, but to get into the thick of things in connection with other humans. Try as I may to ignore that call right now, because I would much prefer to “turtle” with Netflix and chocolate, it is a call that is branded on the very spirit of the followers of Jesus. There is simply no other way.

And so today, as I write my very first blog post, I do it as a form of defiance to the voice in my head (and I am sure many of yours too) screaming loudly, “YOU are alone.” I do it in defiance of the divisive hate filled message of our world that says we can only do life with those with whom we are completely aligned. I write from a place of strong conviction, but I also write from an equally strong desire to connect.
I long to connect. We all do. May this place be a safe place of connection and conviction for all who find it. May connection lead to more love, and may more love lead to more connection.
May we all learn just how seen and loved and connected we really are.
May we audaciously pursue luminous lives full of connections.